Dhyan Niten

Niten is an international Tantra teacher who facilitates trainings for singles, couples and Men. He is a member of Tantra Essence and ISTA, as well as co-founder of Ibiza Tantra Festival. Having lived for 10 years in India, he studied Indian Classical Music and received various levels of transmission in the field of Tantra. His passion for natural evolution and the subtleties of personal growth makes him a gifted facilitator.
In 2010, he founded “The Integrated Masculine” an in depth process for the modern Man. With clear insights and humour, Niten invites every participant to shake off their conditionings, breakthrough old patterns and reunite with their essential nature. Niten has trained and qualified in Shiatsu Massage, Chi Nei Tsang, Colour Light Therapy, Tachyon and Watsu. He is currently based in Ibiza, Spain. tantra-spirit.com