
Sometimes we embark on a journey without realising it. For Jonathan it started as a child growing up in Africa and the love of nature which grew out of that experience. His spiritual path, in turn grew from that love of nature and embraces everything that it is to be human, from the primal drive to survive to our eternal quest for the divine.
“What feels natural in my body and what feeds my spirit are powerful guides in my approach to life” Jonathan
Having spent half his life working in international business and raising two children he knows the cry of the soul, yearning to fly … he stayed in this world until finally realising that all he needed to do was to spread his wings and take off. Today, Jonathan teaches Tantra, Self-development and Meditation Groups across the world.
He reaches out to people seeking a meaningful connection with others; more fulfilling relationships and attunement with their life’s purpose. With a special empathy for those, tying to integrate a spiritual practice into everyday life, his passion is helping others discover their own wings; to jump into the void and ……
His workshops use the vivid imagery of archetypes and mythology to bring to life the messages he imparts. He also draws on ancient tantric practices and modern psychotherapeutic structures and uses movement, breath, ritual and above all a sense of fun and play to help students embody his teachings and to leave with something personal and precious.
Are you ready?
Sometimes people just jump and discover something amazing waiting for their lives.
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